Henderson Canon, San Miguel “ [Canon] Bere Canon where [Abies] [Bracteata] grows. ranch valley (alt 1350) at about 1800 come to a few vigorous [tuberculata] & at 2500 our first coulteri a rough shaggy knotty sprawly [limbed] tree with huge cones was [inlet] on the dry mtn [mountain] side among stiff chaparral. At head of Miguel Canon it is the [predominating] species. A large sturdy rough tree 2 to 4 ft h [high] [sending] out the wildest roughest longest arms imaginable turning up at the ends with bristly brush of v [very] long stiff [needley] [1] foot or more & with one or a pair of the heaviest of all cones about 10 inches long & dripping with amber resin handsome. Somewhat like the shaggiest of Jeffrey but gray like Sabine, some limbs...