Tesi Alícia RubalcabaLa creixent complexitat dels efluents residuals així com la manifesta oposició pública cap a determinades tècniques convencionals per a la gestió de residus, com és la incineració, ha accelerat el desenvolupament de tractaments econòmics i respectuosos amb el medi ambient. Hi ha pocs dubtes sobre que els processos de degradació biològica continuïn sent els més utilitzats pel tractament d'aigües residuals. Malgrat això, quan els processos biològics s'apliquen al tractament d'efluents industrials, no sempre arriben a nivells de depuració satisfactoris, ja que moltes substàncies orgàniques produïdes per les indústries químiques són inhibidores, tòxiques o resistents a l'oxidació biològica. L'Oxidació Humida Catalítica (CWA...
Wet air oxidation (WAO) and catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) are efficient processes to degrade or...
Com o intuito de contribuir para a preservação da qualidade de vida no nosso planeta, o principal ob...
En raison de la réglementation plus sévère sur la pollution de l’eau, l’oxydation chimique (CWAO et ...
Thesis Alícia RubalcabaThe increasing complexity of wastewater streams as well as the unfavourable p...
Since the development of industrial activities in the whole world and specially nowadays, the access...
Wastewater treatment and re-use of industrial process water is a critical issue for the suitable dev...
L’industrie produit de grandes quantités d’effluents aqueux qu’il convient de traiter. Des traitemen...
Oxidative regeneration of activated carbon (AC) exhausted with phenolic compounds is still a challen...
The deposition of condensation by-products onto the catalyst surface upon wet peroxide and wet air o...
El tractament biològic dels efluents fenòlics industrials, potencialment tòxics, presenta sovint una...
Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO) relies on the oxidation of organic pollutants in water unde...
The generation of hazardous wastewaters from industrial and domestic processes, poses a serious envi...
Catalytic wet air oxidation is a promising alternative for the treatment of phenolic waste water whi...
The present work is aimed at the understanding of the condensation by-products role in wet peroxide ...
Past and present techniques to remove toxic organic pollutants from industrial wastewaters have invo...
Wet air oxidation (WAO) and catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) are efficient processes to degrade or...
Com o intuito de contribuir para a preservação da qualidade de vida no nosso planeta, o principal ob...
En raison de la réglementation plus sévère sur la pollution de l’eau, l’oxydation chimique (CWAO et ...
Thesis Alícia RubalcabaThe increasing complexity of wastewater streams as well as the unfavourable p...
Since the development of industrial activities in the whole world and specially nowadays, the access...
Wastewater treatment and re-use of industrial process water is a critical issue for the suitable dev...
L’industrie produit de grandes quantités d’effluents aqueux qu’il convient de traiter. Des traitemen...
Oxidative regeneration of activated carbon (AC) exhausted with phenolic compounds is still a challen...
The deposition of condensation by-products onto the catalyst surface upon wet peroxide and wet air o...
El tractament biològic dels efluents fenòlics industrials, potencialment tòxics, presenta sovint una...
Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO) relies on the oxidation of organic pollutants in water unde...
The generation of hazardous wastewaters from industrial and domestic processes, poses a serious envi...
Catalytic wet air oxidation is a promising alternative for the treatment of phenolic waste water whi...
The present work is aimed at the understanding of the condensation by-products role in wet peroxide ...
Past and present techniques to remove toxic organic pollutants from industrial wastewaters have invo...
Wet air oxidation (WAO) and catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) are efficient processes to degrade or...
Com o intuito de contribuir para a preservação da qualidade de vida no nosso planeta, o principal ob...
En raison de la réglementation plus sévère sur la pollution de l’eau, l’oxydation chimique (CWAO et ...