Abstrak. Ubi kayu merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung karbohidrat. Ubi kayu dapat dikeringkan untuk mendapatkan produk olahan contohnya pembuatan tepung dan gaplek. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi pengering surya dengan menambahkan kincir angin savonius sebagai penggerak kipas pada pengering tersebut yang bertujuan untuk memaksimalkan sirkulasi udara didalam ruang pengering. Parameter yang dilakukan diantaranya pengukuran kecepatan udara, distribusi temperatur, kelembaban relatif, iradiasi surya dan pengukuran kadar air. Dengan penambahan kincir angin savonius, kecepatan udara di dalam pengering surya lebih stabil bila dibandingkan dengan kecepatan udara di lingkungan. Temperatur di dalam ruang pengering lebih tinggi dari ...
Abstrak. Metode pengeringan menggunakan surya sebagai sumber energi panas adalah metode pengeringan ...
ABSTRAK Pengolahan cabai menjadi andalan dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan nilai jual produk yan...
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the rotation of cylinder on temperature cha...
The daily life of the people in Pasar Pedati Village and Harapan Village, Central Bengkulu Regency, ...
Cassava is the second biggest agricultural product after paddy with more or less two million ton ann...
Effectiveness is the goal in a system. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out continuous deve...
Drying is a process where the reduction in water conten until it reaches a certain water content so ...
Proses pengeringan menggunakan pengering surya ultraviolet berupa pengering efek rumah kaca memiliki...
The drying process is an important step in the postharvest handling of agricultural materials with t...
Dusun Pendowo, Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta adalah salah satu pusat pembuatan tepung da...
Drying of cassava starch using conventional method has many disadvantages, such as longer drying tim...
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the amount of drying inlet temperature on c...
Cassava is a plane that is available right and left in Indonesia. This is because of suitable criter...
Cassava drying is done manually (conventionally) that is by utilizing solar light energy or in dryin...
Drying sermier are generally carried out by method of direct solar drying. Direct solar drying has m...
Abstrak. Metode pengeringan menggunakan surya sebagai sumber energi panas adalah metode pengeringan ...
ABSTRAK Pengolahan cabai menjadi andalan dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan nilai jual produk yan...
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the rotation of cylinder on temperature cha...
The daily life of the people in Pasar Pedati Village and Harapan Village, Central Bengkulu Regency, ...
Cassava is the second biggest agricultural product after paddy with more or less two million ton ann...
Effectiveness is the goal in a system. To achieve this, it is necessary to carry out continuous deve...
Drying is a process where the reduction in water conten until it reaches a certain water content so ...
Proses pengeringan menggunakan pengering surya ultraviolet berupa pengering efek rumah kaca memiliki...
The drying process is an important step in the postharvest handling of agricultural materials with t...
Dusun Pendowo, Jepitu, Girisubo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta adalah salah satu pusat pembuatan tepung da...
Drying of cassava starch using conventional method has many disadvantages, such as longer drying tim...
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the amount of drying inlet temperature on c...
Cassava is a plane that is available right and left in Indonesia. This is because of suitable criter...
Cassava drying is done manually (conventionally) that is by utilizing solar light energy or in dryin...
Drying sermier are generally carried out by method of direct solar drying. Direct solar drying has m...
Abstrak. Metode pengeringan menggunakan surya sebagai sumber energi panas adalah metode pengeringan ...
ABSTRAK Pengolahan cabai menjadi andalan dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkan nilai jual produk yan...
This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the rotation of cylinder on temperature cha...