The thesis focuses on the employment structures and employment trends within the EU Member States using the ICSO-88 classification for the detailed analysis of the German and Czech labour markets. The aim of the thesis is the prove the readiness of the Lisbon process to fullfil its main goal - to kepp the high employment rates eitihin the EU.Práce se zaměřuje na problematiku pracovních trhů v rámci Lisabonského procesu a na aktuální situaci na trzích práce EU. V prvé řadě si práce klade za cíl stanovit priority, na které by se EU měla v budoucnu zaměřit, aby dosáhla Lisabonská strategie dosáhla svého cíle, tj. udržení pracovních míst v EU. Dalším dílčím cílem bylo stanit skupiny zaměstání,které budou stěžejní pro zvýšení konkurenceschopnost...
This bachelor thesis engages in the labour market of the Czech Republic, its institutional structure...
At the Lisbon summit of 2000 the European Union (EU) set an agenda for making Europe the most compet...
The diploma thesis "The Labour Market in the European Union" evaluates the developments of the labou...
The thesis focuses on the employment structures and employment trends within the EU Member States us...
Abstract: The work presents the changes in the policy of employment on a European-wide scale and in ...
The thesis deals with an analysis of objectives of the Lisbon Strategy in two EU countries, the Czec...
The topic of my bachelor thesis is the current european problem - the Lisbon Strategy. I looked clos...
The objective of this dissertation is to review the implementation of the European Employment Strate...
Cílem této práce je podrobně popsat trh práce v České republice a porovnat ho s ostatními evropskými...
Bachelor thesis Employment policy of the EU in the cohesion region {\clqq}Jihozápad`` is divided int...
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the labour market situation in the Czech Republic during t...
Cílem práce je provést analýzu nových pracovních příležitostí na evropských trzích práce, které pro ...
The topic of the work is to analyse current state in employment of the member states of the European...
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to point at specifics of European job markets. Job markets in the E...
The primary goal of my thesis is to analyse the implementation of the EU's competitiveness. First ch...
This bachelor thesis engages in the labour market of the Czech Republic, its institutional structure...
At the Lisbon summit of 2000 the European Union (EU) set an agenda for making Europe the most compet...
The diploma thesis "The Labour Market in the European Union" evaluates the developments of the labou...
The thesis focuses on the employment structures and employment trends within the EU Member States us...
Abstract: The work presents the changes in the policy of employment on a European-wide scale and in ...
The thesis deals with an analysis of objectives of the Lisbon Strategy in two EU countries, the Czec...
The topic of my bachelor thesis is the current european problem - the Lisbon Strategy. I looked clos...
The objective of this dissertation is to review the implementation of the European Employment Strate...
Cílem této práce je podrobně popsat trh práce v České republice a porovnat ho s ostatními evropskými...
Bachelor thesis Employment policy of the EU in the cohesion region {\clqq}Jihozápad`` is divided int...
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the labour market situation in the Czech Republic during t...
Cílem práce je provést analýzu nových pracovních příležitostí na evropských trzích práce, které pro ...
The topic of the work is to analyse current state in employment of the member states of the European...
The aim of my bachelor thesis is to point at specifics of European job markets. Job markets in the E...
The primary goal of my thesis is to analyse the implementation of the EU's competitiveness. First ch...
This bachelor thesis engages in the labour market of the Czech Republic, its institutional structure...
At the Lisbon summit of 2000 the European Union (EU) set an agenda for making Europe the most compet...
The diploma thesis "The Labour Market in the European Union" evaluates the developments of the labou...