PERSEPSI SISWA TENTANG PERILAKU SOSIAL DALAM PACARAN (Studi Kasus Siswa SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta) Oleh : Raafi’ Hikma Wiyanti Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi FKIP UNS ABSTRACT This research aimed to find out and to find out the students of SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta’s perception on social behavior in dating. The method employed in this research was descriptive qualitative with Case Study approach. The data source collected of primary data including interview with informant, and secondary data including observation and documentation study. The sampling technique used was Purposive Sampling. Technique of collecting data used was in-depth interview with 12 informants consisting of students who have never had dating and those who were having dating,...
Dating is the period between the approaches of the two opposite sex individuals, characterized by mu...
Pacaran adalah hal-hal yang lumrah terjadi pada remaja-remaja zaman sekarang.Maka tujuan dari peneli...
Abstract: This study aims to describe the level of violence in dating and identify the differences b...
This research aimed to find out and to find out the students of SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta\u27s percep...
In the era of cultural globalization or trends that consider dating as something normal before enter...
Dating is a relationship formed by two people who met and participated in a series of activities to...
This study aims to determine students’ Perceptions of dating behavior in class XII at SMA Kristen Ab...
Dating has become commonplace and understandable by teenagers today. With a variety of reasons to ma...
Salatiga demographic situation shows that in a decade (2000-2010) the population growth rate has inc...
This research explains about community social control toward deviant behavior of adolescents in P...
The purpose of this study to determine differences in adolescent dating behavior in terms of interac...
ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perilaku atau gaya pacaran remaja saat ini. P...
Remaja adalah masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa dengan batasan usia 10-19 tahun. R...
The article is based on the fact that “jomlo” or being single has become a new trend as a sociologic...
Dating is the period between the approaches of the two opposite sex individuals, characterized by mu...
Pacaran adalah hal-hal yang lumrah terjadi pada remaja-remaja zaman sekarang.Maka tujuan dari peneli...
Abstract: This study aims to describe the level of violence in dating and identify the differences b...
This research aimed to find out and to find out the students of SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta\u27s percep...
In the era of cultural globalization or trends that consider dating as something normal before enter...
Dating is a relationship formed by two people who met and participated in a series of activities to...
This study aims to determine students’ Perceptions of dating behavior in class XII at SMA Kristen Ab...
Dating has become commonplace and understandable by teenagers today. With a variety of reasons to ma...
Salatiga demographic situation shows that in a decade (2000-2010) the population growth rate has inc...
This research explains about community social control toward deviant behavior of adolescents in P...
The purpose of this study to determine differences in adolescent dating behavior in terms of interac...
ABSTRAK: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perilaku atau gaya pacaran remaja saat ini. P...
Remaja adalah masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa dengan batasan usia 10-19 tahun. R...
The article is based on the fact that “jomlo” or being single has become a new trend as a sociologic...
Dating is the period between the approaches of the two opposite sex individuals, characterized by mu...
Pacaran adalah hal-hal yang lumrah terjadi pada remaja-remaja zaman sekarang.Maka tujuan dari peneli...
Abstract: This study aims to describe the level of violence in dating and identify the differences b...