In Sweden, the most common type of company is the limited stock company (aktiebolag), which brings about several advantages. The strongest one is probably the shareholders’ limited liability. By this rule, the stock owners acquire protection from having to atone for any company debt exceed¬ing the already submitted equity stock. Keeping this in mind, one can consider the limited liability being an absolute condition realizing any risky and/or capital-intensive business. During recent years, making business in corporate groups has become very popular. Since there in Sweden is a lack of legislation in the field of corporate groups, they comply with the same legislation limited stock companies do, where the parent company accounts for the shar...
This thesis aims to study whether the Swedish corporate law is in need of additional rules regarding...
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebola...
The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success...
The limited liability company is a cornerstone within a functional modern economy. Its popularity ca...
The essay deals with the breakthrough of the limited liability of a shareholder in a Swedish and Nor...
In Swedish case law, there have been cases where a court has imposed a personal liability on shareho...
The topic of this thesis is corporate veil piercing, a judicially developed doctrine according to wh...
Den som vill bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige kan välja mellan olika bolagsformer, däribland ensk...
Under de senaste årtionden har företagsformen aktiebolagsrätt varit en mycket populär form att bedri...
Aktiebolagsformen växte fram i Sverige under 1600-talet och den nu gällande lagstiftningen på område...
There is ongoing discussion in company law on the question of corporate management liability to pay ...
The main principle of limited liability companies is the principle of liability, which is ex-pressed...
Piercing the corporate veil, i.e. holding the shareholders of a corporation liable for the corporati...
The Company Reorganisation Act (1996:764) was widely debated when it entered into force in 1996. An ...
Bestämmelsen om tvångsinlösen i 22 kap. 1 § ABL är tvingande, vilket innebär att avsteg från vad som...
This thesis aims to study whether the Swedish corporate law is in need of additional rules regarding...
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebola...
The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success...
The limited liability company is a cornerstone within a functional modern economy. Its popularity ca...
The essay deals with the breakthrough of the limited liability of a shareholder in a Swedish and Nor...
In Swedish case law, there have been cases where a court has imposed a personal liability on shareho...
The topic of this thesis is corporate veil piercing, a judicially developed doctrine according to wh...
Den som vill bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige kan välja mellan olika bolagsformer, däribland ensk...
Under de senaste årtionden har företagsformen aktiebolagsrätt varit en mycket populär form att bedri...
Aktiebolagsformen växte fram i Sverige under 1600-talet och den nu gällande lagstiftningen på område...
There is ongoing discussion in company law on the question of corporate management liability to pay ...
The main principle of limited liability companies is the principle of liability, which is ex-pressed...
Piercing the corporate veil, i.e. holding the shareholders of a corporation liable for the corporati...
The Company Reorganisation Act (1996:764) was widely debated when it entered into force in 1996. An ...
Bestämmelsen om tvångsinlösen i 22 kap. 1 § ABL är tvingande, vilket innebär att avsteg från vad som...
This thesis aims to study whether the Swedish corporate law is in need of additional rules regarding...
Ett av de vanligaste sätten att bedriva näringsverksamhet i Sverige är genom att bilda ett aktiebola...
The harmonization within EC Company Law has been relativley successful. Despite its relative success...