The article brings an insight into the sociolinguistic image of the Kanalska dolina (Val Canale), the focus being on the Slovenian language community which, through the centuries, has faced political pressure and has managed to survive despite many trials. The recently passed legislation on the protection of language minorities in Italy opens new possibilities, and now the question is if and how the Slovenian language community will employ them and benefit from them.V članku je podan vpogled v sociolingvistično podobo Kanalske doline s poudarkom na slovenski jezikovni skupnosti, ki se je skozi stoletja soočala z vrsto političnih pritiskov in preživela kljub številnim preizkušnjam. Z nedavno sprejetim okvirnim zakonom o zaščiti jezikovnih ma...
Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angleški jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposredni stik ...
In southern Carinthia (Kärnten/Koroška), a conflict over the rights and oppression of the Slovenian...
The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German lang...
Despite the preeminent status of Slovene in its newly independent state, Slovenia has adopted a wide...
V prispevku obravnavam slovenščino v Italiji kot prvi, drugi in tuji jezik, percepcije govork in gov...
1noAt the outset, the article highlights the development of Slovene sociolinguistics, dealing with l...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
V prispevku se s stanjem na področju oblikovanja slovenske jezikovne infrastrukture ukvarjam kot z ...
The article focused on the cultural processes that affect speakers of Upper Sorbian, an endangered S...
Magistrsko delo preučuje vlogo jezika pri ohranjanju etnične identitete med slovenskimi priseljenci ...
Slovenski jezik je vrednota, ki se nam danes zdi samoumevna in mnogim pač sredstvo sporazumevanja. V...
V vrtcu je po eni strani neizbežno upoštevati pravico otrok do izobraževanja v državnem jeziku, po d...
The volume starts with an overview chapter of studies on bilingualism and bilingual individuals in g...
The article deals with the issue of incorporating young members of Slovene minorities in neighbourin...
The paper focuses on Slovene - English language contact and the potential language change resulting ...
Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angleški jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposredni stik ...
In southern Carinthia (Kärnten/Koroška), a conflict over the rights and oppression of the Slovenian...
The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German lang...
Despite the preeminent status of Slovene in its newly independent state, Slovenia has adopted a wide...
V prispevku obravnavam slovenščino v Italiji kot prvi, drugi in tuji jezik, percepcije govork in gov...
1noAt the outset, the article highlights the development of Slovene sociolinguistics, dealing with l...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
V prispevku se s stanjem na področju oblikovanja slovenske jezikovne infrastrukture ukvarjam kot z ...
The article focused on the cultural processes that affect speakers of Upper Sorbian, an endangered S...
Magistrsko delo preučuje vlogo jezika pri ohranjanju etnične identitete med slovenskimi priseljenci ...
Slovenski jezik je vrednota, ki se nam danes zdi samoumevna in mnogim pač sredstvo sporazumevanja. V...
V vrtcu je po eni strani neizbežno upoštevati pravico otrok do izobraževanja v državnem jeziku, po d...
The volume starts with an overview chapter of studies on bilingualism and bilingual individuals in g...
The article deals with the issue of incorporating young members of Slovene minorities in neighbourin...
The paper focuses on Slovene - English language contact and the potential language change resulting ...
Avtorica obravnava slovensko-angleški jezikovni stik v izseljenstvu in v Sloveniji. Neposredni stik ...
In southern Carinthia (Kärnten/Koroška), a conflict over the rights and oppression of the Slovenian...
The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German lang...