The airline industry is quite competitive and airlines face a great challenge in their struggle for survival, which depends on them being able to convince passengers to fly with them instead of a myriad of other service providers. Revenue in the industry is calculated by multiplying total passenger numbers with the average fare per traveller. Monitoring total passenger numbers and average fare is obviously essential for airlines. It is of vital importance to be able to realize, and intervene in time, if set income target is not being met. The processes of monitoring this are of course time consuming, and highly dependent on the size of the airline. In this project the object is to create a model that uses quantitative data regarding pass...
The economic evaluation of a new airport investment requires the use of estimated future air passeng...
A customers propensity to buy a certain product is a widely researched field and is applied in multi...
Íslenskur hlutabréfamarkaður hefur ákveðna sérstöðu vegna smæðar sinnar og takmarkaðra fjölda breytn...
Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, has an airport located in the city centre. The central locat...
Í upphafi átti að kanna hvort einhver hugsanleg þjónustubil væru til staðar hjá Iceland Express með ...
Growing numbers in air transport passengers and increased emphasis on security have created pressure...
With the continuing surge in digitalization within the travel industry and the increased demand of p...
Optimal manpower planning is vital for airlines to maximize operational success since crew cost is k...
The work presented in this study is based on the desire of cutting consumer costs related to purchas...
The creation of airline flight schedules is a complex process, with the objective of maximizing prof...
Tourism industry in Iceland has been growing incredibly fast during the past years. Cruise industry ...
Engan gat órað fyrir þeim áhrifum sem eldgosið í Eyjafjallajökli átti eftir að hafa á flugumferð um ...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
At hub airports, multiple flights from the same airline often arrive at the same time. These arrivin...
Tilgangur ritgerðarinnar er að svara rannsóknarspurningunni „Hvernig ríkisaðstoð var í boði fyrir Ic...
The economic evaluation of a new airport investment requires the use of estimated future air passeng...
A customers propensity to buy a certain product is a widely researched field and is applied in multi...
Íslenskur hlutabréfamarkaður hefur ákveðna sérstöðu vegna smæðar sinnar og takmarkaðra fjölda breytn...
Reykjavík, the capital city of Iceland, has an airport located in the city centre. The central locat...
Í upphafi átti að kanna hvort einhver hugsanleg þjónustubil væru til staðar hjá Iceland Express með ...
Growing numbers in air transport passengers and increased emphasis on security have created pressure...
With the continuing surge in digitalization within the travel industry and the increased demand of p...
Optimal manpower planning is vital for airlines to maximize operational success since crew cost is k...
The work presented in this study is based on the desire of cutting consumer costs related to purchas...
The creation of airline flight schedules is a complex process, with the objective of maximizing prof...
Tourism industry in Iceland has been growing incredibly fast during the past years. Cruise industry ...
Engan gat órað fyrir þeim áhrifum sem eldgosið í Eyjafjallajökli átti eftir að hafa á flugumferð um ...
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (M.Sc.) -- ...
At hub airports, multiple flights from the same airline often arrive at the same time. These arrivin...
Tilgangur ritgerðarinnar er að svara rannsóknarspurningunni „Hvernig ríkisaðstoð var í boði fyrir Ic...
The economic evaluation of a new airport investment requires the use of estimated future air passeng...
A customers propensity to buy a certain product is a widely researched field and is applied in multi...
Íslenskur hlutabréfamarkaður hefur ákveðna sérstöðu vegna smæðar sinnar og takmarkaðra fjölda breytn...