Course Description: Students in this course examine developmental and pedagogical principles of language and literacy development and explore best-practices in curriculum and instruction for promoting language and literacy skill acquisition for a diverse population of students. Techniques and strategies are presented for addressing the diverse language and literacy needs of students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and students at risk for school failure at thesecondary level. Candidates will also examine reading and writing levels, formative evaluation strategies, motivational influences, uses of relevant technology and individual and group strategies for supporting language and literacy skill development.Fieldwork is required...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...
This session will describe the elements of Alternate Achievement Literacy (AAL), including the use o...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...
Course Description: Students in this course examine developmental and pedagogical principles of lang...
In this course, candidates learn teaching and learning strategies within the context of the general ...
The overall objective of this course is to provide program candidates with strategies, tools, and te...
Syllabus for secondary education teachers of literacy. The major area of inquiry is the psychologica...
Topics covered in this course include: interest inventories, assessing students, online tools for as...
Topics covered in this course include: getting to know your students, edTPA, baseline data, student ...
This is a syllabus for EDS 709, a course focused on curriculum and instruction for candidates in Chi...
EDS 705: Focusing on the selection, adaptation, design, modification, and evaluation of curriculum a...
Topics covered in this course include: psychoeducational evaluations, IEPs, standardized tests, fair...
This course is designed to address the National Science Education Standards vision of instruction th...
This digest is based on a report published by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity & ...
Teachers in the United States have had to adapt, modify and collaborate in order to meet the educati...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...
This session will describe the elements of Alternate Achievement Literacy (AAL), including the use o...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...
Course Description: Students in this course examine developmental and pedagogical principles of lang...
In this course, candidates learn teaching and learning strategies within the context of the general ...
The overall objective of this course is to provide program candidates with strategies, tools, and te...
Syllabus for secondary education teachers of literacy. The major area of inquiry is the psychologica...
Topics covered in this course include: interest inventories, assessing students, online tools for as...
Topics covered in this course include: getting to know your students, edTPA, baseline data, student ...
This is a syllabus for EDS 709, a course focused on curriculum and instruction for candidates in Chi...
EDS 705: Focusing on the selection, adaptation, design, modification, and evaluation of curriculum a...
Topics covered in this course include: psychoeducational evaluations, IEPs, standardized tests, fair...
This course is designed to address the National Science Education Standards vision of instruction th...
This digest is based on a report published by the Center for Research on Education, Diversity & ...
Teachers in the United States have had to adapt, modify and collaborate in order to meet the educati...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...
This session will describe the elements of Alternate Achievement Literacy (AAL), including the use o...
Focuses on language/literacy development of all learners, including culturally and linguistically di...