Maapallon energiatalous kuvaa eri energiavoiden kulkua ilmastojärjestelmässä (maanpinta ja ilmakehä) ja säteilytasapainoa ilmakehän ulkorajalla. Tarkastelemalla Maan energiatalouden toteutumistapaa voidaan tuottaa hyödyllistä tietoa ilmastonmuutoksesta ja ymmärtää paremmin ilmastonvaihteluiden fysikaalisia mekanismeja. Ihmisten toiminnasta syntyvä kasvihuonekaasujen pitoisuuksien kasvu ilmakehässä aiheuttaa muutoksia ilmastojärjestelmään, joiden seurauksena ilmasto lämpenee. Maanpinnalla lämpötilajakauman muutoksiin vaikuttavat lisäksi lukuisat eri palauteilmiöt, jotka voivat vahvistaa tai heikentää alkuperäisiä muutoksia Maan energiatasapainossa. Esimerkkejä tärkeistä palauteilmiöistä ovat vesihöyryn kasvihuoneilmiö, lumi- ja jääpeitteen s...
The TTL is the transition layer between the tropical troposphere and stratosphere, and is the main r...
During the last decade, the cosmological observations have indicated that the homogeneous and isotro...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Lõuna-Saksamaal paiknev ligikaudu 24-ki...
All species are adapted to certain climatic conditions, outside of which they cannot survive. Change...
Climate change will influence the living conditions of all life on Earth. For some species the chang...
The exchange between angular momentum of the solid portion of the Earth and of the atmosphere plays ...
Aerosol particles are everywhere in the atmosphere. They are a key factor in many important processe...
Concentrating solar technologies compete with other rapidly developing renewable energy sources. To ...
Cosmological inflation is the dominant paradigm in explaining the origin of structure in the univers...
This PhD thesis consists of three scientific articles. In the first one the tropical sea level press...
Carbon dioxide is a key compound both in climate change and marine biological productivity. In the o...
Meteorological conditions are influenced everyday by air-bound aerosols and pollution in the atmosph...
Uticaj kopnene vegetacije na fizičke procese u površinskom i planetarnom graničnom sloju atmosfere j...
Cirrus cloud genesis is a multiscale problem. This makes the parameterization in numerical weather p...
Evapotranspiration ET is a dominant Earth System process that couples the water and energy cycles at...
The TTL is the transition layer between the tropical troposphere and stratosphere, and is the main r...
During the last decade, the cosmological observations have indicated that the homogeneous and isotro...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Lõuna-Saksamaal paiknev ligikaudu 24-ki...
All species are adapted to certain climatic conditions, outside of which they cannot survive. Change...
Climate change will influence the living conditions of all life on Earth. For some species the chang...
The exchange between angular momentum of the solid portion of the Earth and of the atmosphere plays ...
Aerosol particles are everywhere in the atmosphere. They are a key factor in many important processe...
Concentrating solar technologies compete with other rapidly developing renewable energy sources. To ...
Cosmological inflation is the dominant paradigm in explaining the origin of structure in the univers...
This PhD thesis consists of three scientific articles. In the first one the tropical sea level press...
Carbon dioxide is a key compound both in climate change and marine biological productivity. In the o...
Meteorological conditions are influenced everyday by air-bound aerosols and pollution in the atmosph...
Uticaj kopnene vegetacije na fizičke procese u površinskom i planetarnom graničnom sloju atmosfere j...
Cirrus cloud genesis is a multiscale problem. This makes the parameterization in numerical weather p...
Evapotranspiration ET is a dominant Earth System process that couples the water and energy cycles at...
The TTL is the transition layer between the tropical troposphere and stratosphere, and is the main r...
During the last decade, the cosmological observations have indicated that the homogeneous and isotro...
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Lõuna-Saksamaal paiknev ligikaudu 24-ki...