Priscilla Maltby Mayden was born in Stoughton, Massachusetts in 1918. Ms Mayden received her B.S. from Simmons College in 1941 and her M.S. in Library Science from Columbia University in 1967. She was Hospital Librarian in the Women's Army Corps, USAF Redistribution Center, Santa Ana, California from 1944-1946. Ms Mayden was Chief Librarian at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts from 1946-1952. Ms Mayden was Chief Librarian at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah from 1952-1966. Ms Mayden came to the University as the Medical Sciences Librarian and Director of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library 1966-1984. Ms. Mayden was a member of the Medical Library Association Board of Directo...