Wayne J. Peay was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1947. He received his B.A. from the University of Utah in 1973 and his M.L.S. from Columbia University in 1977. Mr. Peay was Media Services Librarian at the Eccles Health Sciences Library from 1977-1983 which became Computer and Media Services from 1983-1984. Mr Peay was named Director of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library in 1984. Mr Peay was Director of the Midcontinental Regional Medical Library, National Network of Libraries of Medicine (2000). Mr Peay was Affiliate Librarian in 1977, Assistant Librarian 1979, Associate Librarian 1983 and Librarian 1989. Mr Peay had an Adjunct appointment in the Department of Medical Informatics. Mr Peay was President of the Association of Aca...