Transcript (156 pages) of interviews by Everett L. Cooley with Priscilla M. Mayden, professor emerita at the University of Utah and former Director of the Eccles Health Sciences Library, on May 6 and 13 and June 3, 1986. This interview is no. 115 in the Everett L. Cooley Oral History Project, and tape nos. U-461, U-462, U-463, U-464, U-469, and U-470Mayden (b. 1918) recalls her early life, schooling and work prior to coming to Salt Lake City in 1952 as a librarian at the Veterans Administration Hospital; her subsequent career as medical librarian at the University of Utah, 1966-1985; her development of the Eccles Medical Library; and the library-university politics during her tenure. Interviewer: Everett L. Coole