70 When the entire basin with its ranges & mtns [mountains] formed one grand [fountain] for glaciers that flowed in parallel ranks between the mtns [mountains] & over the edge of basin to the [ocean] both north & south. & 3rd There possibly was a period of still more general glaciation of the whole continent by a general flow from the north southward sweeping like a mighty wind over this & all the other plateaus. But of this action I have as yet found no monuments that I am capable of reading 71 [sketch: section across White Pine Range] The White Pine Range is pretty continuous for a distance of 90 miles or more – fossiliferous limestone clearly stratified dipping in a general [N&S] easterly direction. It is cut by wide val...
20 The E & W Summits of Johnson Pass about equal in height 7200 ft? Granite v [very] crumbling ...
26 One remarkably effective dwarf [Eriogonum] making gray patches 100 yds dia [diameter] light ai...
8 Near Half way House. Large quartz [vein]. Not clearly glaciated [sketch: quartz & shale] Forms ...
70 When the entire basin with its ranges & mtns [mountains] formed one grand [fountain] for gla...
56 glaciers belonging to [and] former period of ice. The ranges as well as the vals [valleys] s...
42 appearance – [Eriogonai] spirae. [Rubus] [arternesia] [purshii] [solidago] [linosyris] phlox ...
50 Smoky Val [valley] is bounded on the west by the Toiyabe [K] wh [which] is well sustained &...
68 into parallel vals [valleys] & ridges as if the main vals [valleys] had been the channel of ...
58 Aug 20th 1878. Ascending Mt. Arc Dome 11500 ft high highest point of Toiyabe R [range] H...
66 notwithstanding volcanic rocks exist in nearly every one of the numerous ranges that roughen...
54 only mtn [mountain] lake of any kind I have yet discovered in these many ranges – the best pr...
62 [sketch: Architectural outline of mtns [mountains] looking [W] from San Antonia Range unitin...
64 Tributary cans [canyons], sinking before reaching the main Cannons. Were the snow & rainfall ...
34 dappled most vividly - at distance on mtns [mountains] the shadows seemed like dark covering ...
20 The E & W Summits of Johnson Pass about equal in height 7200 ft? Granite v [very] crumbling ...
26 One remarkably effective dwarf [Eriogonum] making gray patches 100 yds dia [diameter] light ai...
8 Near Half way House. Large quartz [vein]. Not clearly glaciated [sketch: quartz & shale] Forms ...
70 When the entire basin with its ranges & mtns [mountains] formed one grand [fountain] for gla...
56 glaciers belonging to [and] former period of ice. The ranges as well as the vals [valleys] s...
42 appearance – [Eriogonai] spirae. [Rubus] [arternesia] [purshii] [solidago] [linosyris] phlox ...
50 Smoky Val [valley] is bounded on the west by the Toiyabe [K] wh [which] is well sustained &...
68 into parallel vals [valleys] & ridges as if the main vals [valleys] had been the channel of ...
58 Aug 20th 1878. Ascending Mt. Arc Dome 11500 ft high highest point of Toiyabe R [range] H...
66 notwithstanding volcanic rocks exist in nearly every one of the numerous ranges that roughen...
54 only mtn [mountain] lake of any kind I have yet discovered in these many ranges – the best pr...
62 [sketch: Architectural outline of mtns [mountains] looking [W] from San Antonia Range unitin...
64 Tributary cans [canyons], sinking before reaching the main Cannons. Were the snow & rainfall ...
34 dappled most vividly - at distance on mtns [mountains] the shadows seemed like dark covering ...
20 The E & W Summits of Johnson Pass about equal in height 7200 ft? Granite v [very] crumbling ...
26 One remarkably effective dwarf [Eriogonum] making gray patches 100 yds dia [diameter] light ai...
8 Near Half way House. Large quartz [vein]. Not clearly glaciated [sketch: quartz & shale] Forms ...