This paper aims to analyze the intratextual relations between Dido’s (Ep. VII) and Medea’s (Ep. XII) epistles, which belong to Ovid’s Heroides. For this purpose, we will focus on common passages concerning the foedus amoris, the furor, and death as outcome for their grief. By doing so, it will be demonstrated that Medea, as an exemplar figure, contributes to Dido’s configuration, not only in an intertextual way (since Dido presents features in common with Apolonius’s Medea), but also according to an intratextual way.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar relaciones intratextuales entre las epístolas de Dido (Ep. VII) y Medea (Ep. XII), pertenecientes al corpus de las Heroidas, de Ovidio. Para ello, nos centraremos en los puntos de contac...