Hormones are cellular products involved in the regulation of a large number of processes in living systems, and which by their actions affect the growth, function and metabolism of cells. Considering that hormones are compounds normally present in the organism, it is important to determine if they can, under certain circumstances, lead to genetic changes in the hereditary material. Numerous experimental studies in vitro and in vivo in different systems, from bacteria to mammals, dealt with the mutagenic and genotoxic effects of hormones. This work presents an overview of the research on genotoxic effects of nonsteroidal hormones, although possible changes of genetic material under their influence have not still been known enough, and more...
ector of functional food is more and more appreciated by modern market and consumers. Food is energy...
Sekundarni metaboliti jabuke (Malus × domestica Borkh.) florizin i floretin su dihidrohalkoni visoko...
Terapije matičnim ćelijama i drugim vrstama ćelija se mogu uvrstiti u grupu novih bioterapeutika za ...
Hormones are cellular products involved in the regulation of a large number of processes in living s...
There is a widely accepted view that the endogenous substances, including hormones, do not have any ...
The plants are not capable to synthesise substances with the same chemical structure like hormones f...
Akutna bubrežna insuficijencija (ABI) se definiše kao nagli gubitak bubrežne funkcije. Uzroci nastan...
Kontrakcije uterusa su važne za regulaciju brojnih reproduktivnih funkcija. Neregularna i neadekvatn...
Pro-oksidativne i pro-apoptotske promene biomolekula, uključujući lipide, proteine i DNK, koje nasta...
Nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL) su heterogena grupa lekovitih supstanci sa antiinflamato...
Uvod Aktuelna farmakoekonomska situacija ima za posledicu čest nedostataklekova u potrebnim dozama/j...
Mijeloidni maligniteti su klonalne bolesti ćelija mijeloidne krvne loze, koje su, pre svega, posledi...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Uvod: Oksidativni stres dešava se usled neuravnoteženog odnosa pro-oksidanata i antioksidanata u pri...
The ageing of skin occurs in all individuals at a variable rate which is influenced by genetic, envi...
ector of functional food is more and more appreciated by modern market and consumers. Food is energy...
Sekundarni metaboliti jabuke (Malus × domestica Borkh.) florizin i floretin su dihidrohalkoni visoko...
Terapije matičnim ćelijama i drugim vrstama ćelija se mogu uvrstiti u grupu novih bioterapeutika za ...
Hormones are cellular products involved in the regulation of a large number of processes in living s...
There is a widely accepted view that the endogenous substances, including hormones, do not have any ...
The plants are not capable to synthesise substances with the same chemical structure like hormones f...
Akutna bubrežna insuficijencija (ABI) se definiše kao nagli gubitak bubrežne funkcije. Uzroci nastan...
Kontrakcije uterusa su važne za regulaciju brojnih reproduktivnih funkcija. Neregularna i neadekvatn...
Pro-oksidativne i pro-apoptotske promene biomolekula, uključujući lipide, proteine i DNK, koje nasta...
Nesteroidni antiinflamatorni lekovi (NSAIL) su heterogena grupa lekovitih supstanci sa antiinflamato...
Uvod Aktuelna farmakoekonomska situacija ima za posledicu čest nedostataklekova u potrebnim dozama/j...
Mijeloidni maligniteti su klonalne bolesti ćelija mijeloidne krvne loze, koje su, pre svega, posledi...
Heart failure is a global public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently...
Uvod: Oksidativni stres dešava se usled neuravnoteženog odnosa pro-oksidanata i antioksidanata u pri...
The ageing of skin occurs in all individuals at a variable rate which is influenced by genetic, envi...
ector of functional food is more and more appreciated by modern market and consumers. Food is energy...
Sekundarni metaboliti jabuke (Malus × domestica Borkh.) florizin i floretin su dihidrohalkoni visoko...
Terapije matičnim ćelijama i drugim vrstama ćelija se mogu uvrstiti u grupu novih bioterapeutika za ...