An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.3T0RA ALBERTa, FRIDAY, ABRIL 12, 1940. 8 to o. WED. 3 to 1. SAT. HOURS 8 to 9. MEN'S SMART ALL-WOOL HERRINGBONE JUST ARRIVED ERUM THE EACTORY. Ccaefully tailored suits that you'll be proud to wear for dross or business occasions this Spring. . . Made from grand quality all-wool herringbone in snappy patterns and colors of green and blue green. Single-breasted style with regular vest. Fully with heavy rayon. Sport back, form fitting. Sizes 36 to 40. OLD COUNTRY CLOTH; MEN'S AE’LL-TAILORED SEEING - Step out smaatly garbed in one of these snappy new topcoats. . They're well tailored ...