An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.TELEPHONE NO. Office.....21, Hardware .<^34, Grocery Dept....4r2 Dry Goods DeeP..4r3 FRIDAY # APRIL 27th, 1945, " " STORE HOURS: MAGRaTH* ALBERTA. g a.m. to 6 p»m. TO..... 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. . St,....8 am. to 7 p.». GARDEN SEEDS (bulk) Ratishes,,..................p^cr oz............... 100 Cri-uNTENAY GAivlOTS. ,. <» • ,300 Parsnips, .<<<<<<<< " ' ,20o WINDSOR BROau Blass i ,20o We have a compete supply of: PSAS... Homesteader, Stratum, Aierrcan Wondier, and Laxton’s Progress. CORN-Golden Bente and Early Sunshine. See our display of package seeds, both Flowers and VereSaUss. PieSiabl...