An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAGRaTH TRADING CO. LTD Friday May 21st. /54 STORE NOjRSj TELEPHflNES to 6 p.n. Wed. 8 a.m. to lp.m. Office ... 21 Saturday 8 a.n. to 7 p.m. Hardware 34, groceries 4 Dry Gcx>dsl24 tfv AvCx?' ■; ’SivAvV•»vb$$W?tk4X>’wwvw -------------------------\ ©221> > >' ? i / / / / y© WEEK STARTING FRIDAY MAY 22st, cUiC'. con uj_ •raing through week. C>\ McCIARY’S 1953 MODEL 9.2 CUBIC FEET CUTTER CONDITIONER AUTOMATIC PUSH DUTTON DEFROSTER SHELVES ON DOOR TWO CRE35PERS LARGE FROZEN FOOD COMPaRTidSNT INTERIOR TRIMMED IN PASTEL GREEN WITH GOLD TRIM. REGUIAR PRICE........................$448.00 RE...