An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.July, 2003 Edition no. 157 Mi|0 Can Opener Canada Post Agmt. # 40607518 Box 12, Milo, AB TOL 1L0 a MILO MUNICIPAL LIBRARY N/C Ccx n o p& oc.rAd Rates Subscription Rates Business Directory $ 5.00 Milo $ 16.00 Quarter Page 6.00 (- pickup,delivery or mailed) Half Page 8.00 Mailed (outside Milo) 24.00 Full Pages 15.00 Single Copies 2.00 Classifieds 2.00 Please note that those who paid for a Milo subscription by mail ($24) on our previous rates have payed $8 too much. Your subscription The followinq items are free of charae renewal date was extended by 6 months in May. Notices Please sig...