An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.M V Business Dir(«cf,ory...$5.0ll Quarter pa<|o.............$0.00 Half pup.... Full pap.............. ......... Classifieds. ...... .....$u.oo $13.00 .$2.00 Notices, Thankyou’s, Baby Wedding announcements, nows if,outs, artieles.....u/e Subscnipfion IRales Picked up or delivered _____$12.00 _________________$20.00 H.S.A.................$24.00 Old; of country..........$3G.OO Suujlo copy Sn ikih unless other Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, no letter will be printed without a signature. The Can Opener is Printed on the LAST FRIDAY of each month, wise stated in ...