An archive of the Milo Canopener.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Archives at Milo Library to digitize and display this content.H$tk thUr/ZkiiSh, Jtd ""Rates Business BirectoryJS/mon Quarter paqo....... ........$f,.0(l Half Paqo............. Full Faqa............ Classifieds............ Notices*...*............ Thaiikyous........... lialiy .& Woddiujf Aummiiuiemcnt a/c Sows items, r \ Subscription Rates If you roeiovo your mail in AUIo.......................$0.00 Out of AVilo area......$20.00 (J.S.A Out of country $30.00 Sinyli; copy $2.00 / Letters to the Can Opener are Welcome! PLEASE SIGN THEM, no letter will be printed without a signature. The Can Opener is printed on the LAST MONDAY of e...