The annual publication of the students of Wilson Junior High School, Lethbridge, Albertapdfe \ rS I / } )u CjC il - \ rA rJ J -j >*■*- / r C — and yiC'/VQinin^ -;.hocl pDK * ' through then success! ul Mo use league Sy sieve vo / uu ale a id, ergoy a a i e to Cv<;- ry stydect, we (J e die ate f/> i s !93S ~ 59 edition cf the yearbook YEARBOOK STAFF <? f- Typists - Gaye Wooldridge John Chomicki Pat McCallum Faye Wooldridge Marianne Richter Sharron Grisak Production - Alex Johnston Artists - Mary Ann Radley Bryan Matthews Mary Neely y __ Velma Guenther / Stan Furukawa • z * r ; Bob Erickson / /~ A. A Biographies - 8th period , A ■ «« e students " Room Pictures - Leslie Kinnell /■ > ir ■ ‘Yu students eslie K: Sharon Tomaski Cover - Michael Eise...