Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Values of covariates 'Dist Peruaçu River' and 'Dist water source' have been standardized for analysis. See methods and table 1 of the paper for details on covariates
<p>Covariate: distance to the mine (dist_mine). Ψ = occupancy and <i>p</i> = detectability.</p
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
This dataset contains site covariates present in the top occupancy models for both grizzly bear occu...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
Example of three maps of predicted occupancy for Common Rock Rat (top left) Spangled Drongo (top cen...
Site covariates for 212 wetland sites in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA. Covariates include: annual...
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
<p>Covariates used in habitat selection models and the expected relationship with site use by leopar...
Covariates used to assess target carnivore species occupancy patterns in the five studied hunting es...
Landscape covariates (trap type, elevation, percent stream/wetland, percent hardwood forest, percent...
Site covariates for 212 wetland sites in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA. Covariates include: annual...
Beta estimates with 95% of confidence interval estimated from single-season species models: row A—Be...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in six reserves of Brazilian Atlantic For...
<p>Abbreviation, full name and description of data type are provided. Abbreviations serve as a refer...
The coypu is a rodent indigenous to aquatic habitats in southern South America, which is considered ...
<p>Covariate: distance to the mine (dist_mine). Ψ = occupancy and <i>p</i> = detectability.</p
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
This dataset contains site covariates present in the top occupancy models for both grizzly bear occu...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
Example of three maps of predicted occupancy for Common Rock Rat (top left) Spangled Drongo (top cen...
Site covariates for 212 wetland sites in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA. Covariates include: annual...
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
<p>Covariates used in habitat selection models and the expected relationship with site use by leopar...
Covariates used to assess target carnivore species occupancy patterns in the five studied hunting es...
Landscape covariates (trap type, elevation, percent stream/wetland, percent hardwood forest, percent...
Site covariates for 212 wetland sites in the Sierra Nevada Foothills, CA. Covariates include: annual...
Beta estimates with 95% of confidence interval estimated from single-season species models: row A—Be...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in six reserves of Brazilian Atlantic For...
<p>Abbreviation, full name and description of data type are provided. Abbreviations serve as a refer...
The coypu is a rodent indigenous to aquatic habitats in southern South America, which is considered ...
<p>Covariate: distance to the mine (dist_mine). Ψ = occupancy and <i>p</i> = detectability.</p
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
This dataset contains site covariates present in the top occupancy models for both grizzly bear occu...