Landscape covariates (trap type, elevation, percent stream/wetland, percent hardwood forest, percent mixed forest, percent softwood forest, forest age, year) used to model abundance for the 15 most common small mammal species
<p>Numbers in brackets represent minimum and maximum values. Dominant land-cover types are those whi...
<p>For abundance and alpha diversity, the mean and 95% confidence interval among the eight surveyed ...
Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Mina...
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
<p>Final list of landscape-level habitat covariates modeled on probability of occupancy and coloniza...
How do local and landscape processes affect community assembly? The relative contribution of these t...
<p>Values indicate GLM model coefficients and colors represent the effect sizes on the relative abun...
Covariates and traits used to model community occupancy (ψ) and detectability (p) across the landsca...
(A) Aspect, (B) Elevation, (C) Slope, (D) Land Cover, (E) Soil Type, (F) Waterways / Rivers, (G) Roa...
<p>A. Abundance (mean and 95% confidence interval). B. Alpha diversity (mean and 95% confidence inte...
<p>Covariates used in habitat selection models and the expected relationship with site use by leopar...
Detection corrected small mammal abundance data and landscape variables used in community analyses
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
Data used in landscape-scale analysis. Includes landscape variables and species' reporting rate
<p>Numbers in brackets represent minimum and maximum values. Dominant land-cover types are those whi...
<p>For abundance and alpha diversity, the mean and 95% confidence interval among the eight surveyed ...
Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Mina...
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
The proportion of times (y-axis) each covariate (x-axis) was included in occupancy and detectability...
<p>Final list of landscape-level habitat covariates modeled on probability of occupancy and coloniza...
How do local and landscape processes affect community assembly? The relative contribution of these t...
<p>Values indicate GLM model coefficients and colors represent the effect sizes on the relative abun...
Covariates and traits used to model community occupancy (ψ) and detectability (p) across the landsca...
(A) Aspect, (B) Elevation, (C) Slope, (D) Land Cover, (E) Soil Type, (F) Waterways / Rivers, (G) Roa...
<p>A. Abundance (mean and 95% confidence interval). B. Alpha diversity (mean and 95% confidence inte...
<p>Covariates used in habitat selection models and the expected relationship with site use by leopar...
Detection corrected small mammal abundance data and landscape variables used in community analyses
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
Data used in landscape-scale analysis. Includes landscape variables and species' reporting rate
<p>Numbers in brackets represent minimum and maximum values. Dominant land-cover types are those whi...
<p>For abundance and alpha diversity, the mean and 95% confidence interval among the eight surveyed ...
Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Mina...