Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in six reserves of Brazilian Atlantic Fores
<p>Cumulative AICc weights for variables used to model ocelot detection probabilities in six Atlanti...
Beisiegel, B.M. Shelter availability and use by mammals and birds in an Atlantic Forest area. Biota ...
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in six reserves of Brazilian Atlantic For...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in Boqueirão da Onça, in the brazilian Ca...
<p>Explanatory variables used for modelling detection probabilities by remote camera traps of four s...
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
<p>Covariate: distance to the mine (dist_mine). Ψ = occupancy and <i>p</i> = detectability.</p
<p>Predictor variables used for GAM modelling of whale shark detections in the Azores EEZ.</p
Response variable ordination used in climate vulnerability assessment of 108 stocks of marine mammal...
Register of mammals sampled with camera traps in six Brazilian Atlantic Forest reserve
Bivariate and multiple regression models predicting overall defaunation of medium- to large-bodied m...
Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Mina...
This is the first inventory of mammals from an urban forest fragment in Marabá, PA, Brazil. During o...
Exposure factors and scoring criteria used in assessing climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mammal...
<p>Cumulative AICc weights for variables used to model ocelot detection probabilities in six Atlanti...
Beisiegel, B.M. Shelter availability and use by mammals and birds in an Atlantic Forest area. Biota ...
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in six reserves of Brazilian Atlantic For...
Variables used to model occupancy and detection of mammals in Boqueirão da Onça, in the brazilian Ca...
<p>Explanatory variables used for modelling detection probabilities by remote camera traps of four s...
<p>Forest Area, Number of Dogs, Reserve size and Presence of both Top Predators were also used to mo...
<p>Covariate: distance to the mine (dist_mine). Ψ = occupancy and <i>p</i> = detectability.</p
<p>Predictor variables used for GAM modelling of whale shark detections in the Azores EEZ.</p
Response variable ordination used in climate vulnerability assessment of 108 stocks of marine mammal...
Register of mammals sampled with camera traps in six Brazilian Atlantic Forest reserve
Bivariate and multiple regression models predicting overall defaunation of medium- to large-bodied m...
Site covariates used for occupancy modelling of large mammals in Veredas do Peruaçu State Park, Mina...
This is the first inventory of mammals from an urban forest fragment in Marabá, PA, Brazil. During o...
Exposure factors and scoring criteria used in assessing climate vulnerabilities of 108 marine mammal...
<p>Cumulative AICc weights for variables used to model ocelot detection probabilities in six Atlanti...
Beisiegel, B.M. Shelter availability and use by mammals and birds in an Atlantic Forest area. Biota ...
Detection covariates (temperature, precipitation, and trap type) used to model abundance for the 15 ...