The set of scripts used for SNPs calling, expression analyses, Fst calculation and pedigree-based simulations
This file contains all necessary commands and scripts to reproduce the outputs uploaded here (SNP, m...
Scripts used to process, QC and analyze the data and produce tables and figures for the manuscript "...
Commented custom scripts for bioinformatics, analysis and producing figures. See Readme.txt file for...
Text document containing scripts used to run all analyses (including scripts to prepare files for an...
Scripts for aligning reads, calling SNPs and converting files for downstream population genomic anal...
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also
Script associated with the bioinformatics pipeline. The first script strings the programs together (...
Python scripts used for VCF files filtering, Fst simulations and allele specific gene expression ass...
These are the three final scripts used for generating the 5159 SNP matrix that was used as a basis f...
These are scripts we used for SNP variant calling. The locuslist provides a list of specific SNPs wh...
Scripts to detect homeolog expression of polyploid wheat from a low-coverage 3' RNA-seq data. The sc...
A script to provide empirical P-values for FST estimates: inputs a Matlab file with FST values and a...
Python scripts for extracting SNPs from 1-allele RAxML (phylip) files; and script for summarizing bo...
Scripts used for assembly, base calling, and orthology assessment of the Anchored Phylogenomics loci...
This python script contains the code for calculating global Fst's for each locus as described in the...
This file contains all necessary commands and scripts to reproduce the outputs uploaded here (SNP, m...
Scripts used to process, QC and analyze the data and produce tables and figures for the manuscript "...
Commented custom scripts for bioinformatics, analysis and producing figures. See Readme.txt file for...
Text document containing scripts used to run all analyses (including scripts to prepare files for an...
Scripts for aligning reads, calling SNPs and converting files for downstream population genomic anal...
Scripts used in analyses and plotting selected figures. See also
Script associated with the bioinformatics pipeline. The first script strings the programs together (...
Python scripts used for VCF files filtering, Fst simulations and allele specific gene expression ass...
These are the three final scripts used for generating the 5159 SNP matrix that was used as a basis f...
These are scripts we used for SNP variant calling. The locuslist provides a list of specific SNPs wh...
Scripts to detect homeolog expression of polyploid wheat from a low-coverage 3' RNA-seq data. The sc...
A script to provide empirical P-values for FST estimates: inputs a Matlab file with FST values and a...
Python scripts for extracting SNPs from 1-allele RAxML (phylip) files; and script for summarizing bo...
Scripts used for assembly, base calling, and orthology assessment of the Anchored Phylogenomics loci...
This python script contains the code for calculating global Fst's for each locus as described in the...
This file contains all necessary commands and scripts to reproduce the outputs uploaded here (SNP, m...
Scripts used to process, QC and analyze the data and produce tables and figures for the manuscript "...
Commented custom scripts for bioinformatics, analysis and producing figures. See Readme.txt file for...