This study aims to determine the promotion process carried out by KBIH Assyakur through efforts from advertising, personal sales and from the mouth into increasing interest in conducting guidance in KBIH Assyakur. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive namely case studies with case studies (case studies). This research focuses on one particular side that studies it as a case. Where the subjects in this study are KBIH Assyakur in which there are administrators, managers, which can be used as information. The results of research and analysis of promotion management data conducted by KBIH Assyakur through advertising, with print media (brochures), internet media (website), social media (Facebook). Sales of individuals and wor...
Artikel membahas tentang analisis promosi pada aplikasi iSungaiPenuh di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kears...
KISS Semarang is an UMKM located in Mangunharjo, established in 2010. “KISS” Semarang MSME has...
The aim of this research is to find out the respondents responses from an analysis on promoting Mala...
This study aims to determine the promotion process carried out by KBIH Assyakur through efforts from...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis bauran promosi dalam meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa baru di F...
Abstrak Promosi adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan oleh setiap perusahaan. Hal utama pada promosi ialah...
The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the promotion carried out by th...
This research is to describe the implementation aspects of the promotional mix done by STMIK Mardira...
The purpose of this study was to to describe the promotional activities carried out by the Getuk Gor...
This study aims to analyze the Effectiveness of Promotion in increasing the number of new students b...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh promosi (penyebaran brosur, poster...
Promotion is one part of a series of marketing activities for a product. Promotion is an effort to i...
Abstrac The promotion mix is one of the determining factors for the success of a marke...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan pada Pemilik UMKM Kuliner di Kabupaten Banyumas y...
ABSTRAK ANDI MUDDARIA,. (Dibimbing oleh Chalid Imran Musa dan Haedar Akib). Penelitian ini ber...
Artikel membahas tentang analisis promosi pada aplikasi iSungaiPenuh di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kears...
KISS Semarang is an UMKM located in Mangunharjo, established in 2010. “KISS” Semarang MSME has...
The aim of this research is to find out the respondents responses from an analysis on promoting Mala...
This study aims to determine the promotion process carried out by KBIH Assyakur through efforts from...
Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis bauran promosi dalam meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa baru di F...
Abstrak Promosi adalah hal yang wajib dilakukan oleh setiap perusahaan. Hal utama pada promosi ialah...
The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the promotion carried out by th...
This research is to describe the implementation aspects of the promotional mix done by STMIK Mardira...
The purpose of this study was to to describe the promotional activities carried out by the Getuk Gor...
This study aims to analyze the Effectiveness of Promotion in increasing the number of new students b...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh promosi (penyebaran brosur, poster...
Promotion is one part of a series of marketing activities for a product. Promotion is an effort to i...
Abstrac The promotion mix is one of the determining factors for the success of a marke...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan pada Pemilik UMKM Kuliner di Kabupaten Banyumas y...
ABSTRAK ANDI MUDDARIA,. (Dibimbing oleh Chalid Imran Musa dan Haedar Akib). Penelitian ini ber...
Artikel membahas tentang analisis promosi pada aplikasi iSungaiPenuh di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kears...
KISS Semarang is an UMKM located in Mangunharjo, established in 2010. “KISS” Semarang MSME has...
The aim of this research is to find out the respondents responses from an analysis on promoting Mala...