The dichotomy of education in Indonesia is a problem in constructing a paradigm of integrative education. Pesantren which has been symbolized as an Religion of educational institution, actually is not just a religious education. Pesantren is a place of learning knowledge of the world and the hereafter. Integration of Religion and Science in education Pesantren (Implementation Book Itman dirayah ad-li al-Qurra 'Annuqayah by Imam Jalaluddin As-Suyuti in pesantren Annuqayah).This article uses two approaches methodology: First, the library reseach (library research), is used to facilitate the course of research-based literature, especially the book of Itman ad-dirayah li al-Qurra 'Annuqayah by Imam Jalaluddin As-Suyuti as the cornerstone of the...
This study focuses on the interconnection and the integration, namely about the relationship of, edu...
Schools with pesantren basis now is for integrating public education with pesantren. This study exam...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang integrasi pendidikan Islam yang dipraktikkan di l...
The dichotomy of education in Indonesia is a problem in constructing a paradigm of integrative educa...
This article describes the development of the integration of religion and science in Islamic higher ...
ABSTRACT Turbulence of education in Indonesia has been experienced since a period of Neth...
The development of education, especially Islamic education in Indonesia have ups and downs. In the e...
Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pendidikan agama yang dilakukan di pesantren mahasiswa merupakan sa...
The background of this research is departing from the uniqueness of integrated madrasa curriculum wi...
Artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa untuk mengikis dikotomi ilmu dalam Islam perlu adanya integrasi lembag...
Islam and Indonesia have been integrated since Islam entered into Nusantara (the Indonesian Archipel...
Abstrak: Peran Pesantren dalam Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman di Indonesia. Keberhasilan pesantren...
Pesantren is a traditional Islamic educational institution that grows and develops in the midst of M...
The dichotomy of the education system causes a gap between the sources of knowledge, between the rel...
Pesantren and schools should be integrated to the point where they both need to work together to imp...
This study focuses on the interconnection and the integration, namely about the relationship of, edu...
Schools with pesantren basis now is for integrating public education with pesantren. This study exam...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang integrasi pendidikan Islam yang dipraktikkan di l...
The dichotomy of education in Indonesia is a problem in constructing a paradigm of integrative educa...
This article describes the development of the integration of religion and science in Islamic higher ...
ABSTRACT Turbulence of education in Indonesia has been experienced since a period of Neth...
The development of education, especially Islamic education in Indonesia have ups and downs. In the e...
Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pendidikan agama yang dilakukan di pesantren mahasiswa merupakan sa...
The background of this research is departing from the uniqueness of integrated madrasa curriculum wi...
Artikel ini menjelaskan bahwa untuk mengikis dikotomi ilmu dalam Islam perlu adanya integrasi lembag...
Islam and Indonesia have been integrated since Islam entered into Nusantara (the Indonesian Archipel...
Abstrak: Peran Pesantren dalam Pengembangan Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman di Indonesia. Keberhasilan pesantren...
Pesantren is a traditional Islamic educational institution that grows and develops in the midst of M...
The dichotomy of the education system causes a gap between the sources of knowledge, between the rel...
Pesantren and schools should be integrated to the point where they both need to work together to imp...
This study focuses on the interconnection and the integration, namely about the relationship of, edu...
Schools with pesantren basis now is for integrating public education with pesantren. This study exam...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang integrasi pendidikan Islam yang dipraktikkan di l...