"Shioyabunsho-monogatari", one of the well-known Tosa Joruri works, is an adaptation of "Bunsho-zoshi" which is one of the Otogi-zoshi works. In the present paper we would like to make observations on "Shioyabunsho-monogatari" to examine some adaptation techniques through a comparative study of the two works above mentioned. We shall first discuss some characteristics of "Shioyabunsho-monogatari" specifically, and then develop our discussion further to characteristics in general in adapting Otogi-zoshi for Joruri. "Shioyabunsho-monogatari" has various highlights both on stage and in music which "Bunsho-zoshi", its predecessor, does not have. For example, a battle scene similar to Kimpira-Joruri was put in Act II. In Act III, there was inser...