SERVING THE CAUSE reflected the postwar pattern of general league membership. From 2,854 in 17 subleagues in 1945 it reached a record high of 6,031 in 20 subleagues in 1960, at which point there began a steady decline. Membership dropped below 5,000 in 1967, 4,000 in 1973, and 3,000 in 1984, in which year the reported total of 2,884 was almost exactly the same as that recorded in 1945. League officers, who had always worked to attract more persons into the organization, were especially concerned as some of the sub- leagues disbanded (seven between 1967 and 1972) and as the rolls thinned. The 1964 convention resolved that "each sub-league emphasize increased memberships, regardless of church affiliation, remembering especially the mothers of...