Bagpipe Band Members Row 1 - James Gesellchen, Elaine Hermes, George Anderson, Grael Gannon, Bert Calkins, and Vern Keirn. Row 2 - Jean Teskey , Lynn Christenson, Barb Stratton, Leland Ska bo, Joanne Worthington, James Slocum, Elayne Saba, and Jean Danroth. Bagpipe Band Left, pipers practicmg for public preview. "Strike up the band." Di-rected by George Anderson, Bismarck Junior College bands offer students two opportunities to increase their enjoyment and appreciation of good music through the Bagpipe and Pep bands. Addinga 'wee bit of the Scot, ' the colorful Bagpipe band has marched in many of the city parades and entertained at many of the college basketball games. Playing at all the BJCathlet-ic events, the Pep band adds to the school ...