PEP BANDmembers: Lyle Magnuson, Chuck Hughes, Wayne Scardigli, Jerry Wahl, Duane Saba, Pat Woodmansee, Tom Agre, Denis Carlson, and Gary Gronberg. Karen Benser, Paul Jeske, and Doug Rennich are not pictured. Pep Band is a newly formed organization. The band adds to the school spirit by playing at all athletic functions and pep assemblies. The Pep Band is one way in which students can exercise and improve their musical skills. The group organized under the supervision of Esky Solberg. An unusual musical organization at BJC is the Bagpipe Band. The band marches in many of the city parades and entertains at college and civic activities. Last year the band performed at Seattle's World's Fair and is currently planning a trip to the World's Fair ...