PEP BAND B. Addington, J. Axford, M. Teskey, J. Greenwood, D. Hielmseth, G. Smith, J. Peters, D. Swenson, H. Kepler, L. Hughes, L. Renz, B. Kierland, E. Simpfenderfer, J. Brand, C. Rask, F. Huber, E. Martin, R. Walz, J. Tosterud, G. Bruhjell, P. Wyciskala, V. Soule, C. Thompson, B. Leifur, J. Anderson, V. Barrett, A. Wolff, M. Muggli, E. Ely, L. Harju, S. Geck, W. Gray. The Bismarck Junior College Pep Band, directed by Mr. Harold Kepler played for all home football and basketball games, as well as for seven out- of- town games. The band was also featured at all pep assemblies. Walter Grat, Business Manager; Mr. Kepler, Direc-tor; Ervin Ely, President. - 57