In the later Meiji era, there were many graduates of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko (including former Tokyo Kogyo Gakko) in Kiryu district, Gunma prefecture and most of the teaching positions of Kiryu Orimono Gakko were occupied by these graduates. A local magazine was published periodically by Kiryusha (an association of teachers of Kiryu Orimono Gakko who were graduates of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko). This magazine contained many articles pertaining to the method of the economic development of Japan or Kiryu district written by the president, teachers and graduates of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko. The president of Tokyo Koto Kogyo Gakko, Seiichi Tejima, was a supporting member of Shuyodan (a representative group of Shuyoshugi) and other authors of the arti...
After the Meiji era, in the educational circles in Japan, the fundamental method of education was si...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of promotion of physical training and sport in Kiry...
This report clears the process of the formation of the subject ideology in home economics course of ...
Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko Fuzoku Kogyo Hoshu Gakko was established in 1921 (Taisho 10) as 2 years\u27 n...
Tsutsui proposed a hypothesis that Shuyoshugi was the ethos which sustained the development of capit...
Professor Michitaka Wakatsuki was a teacher of moral education at Kiryu Koto Senshoku Gakko which wa...
Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko was established at the beginning of Taisho era by the request of and at the e...
After the occurrence of the financial panic in Showa 2(1927), Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko faced the probl...
"Kyoiku-no-seiki-sha" (Educational Century Incorporated) was an organization which established in 19...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the changing situations of the graduates of Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gak...
The principal of Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko, Hirotaro Nishida visited Europe and America to investigate ...
From the middle of the Taisho period to the prewar days of the Showa period (from the 1920's to the ...
In the latter part of the Meiji era, Keihanshin (includes Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe) had the largest po...
Taiwan Kyokai (Association of Formosa) was founded in 1898. The purpose of the association was to gi...
The Dogaku Foundation, the joint study Foundation, which had run Chinese and Japanese Language Schoo...
After the Meiji era, in the educational circles in Japan, the fundamental method of education was si...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of promotion of physical training and sport in Kiry...
This report clears the process of the formation of the subject ideology in home economics course of ...
Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko Fuzoku Kogyo Hoshu Gakko was established in 1921 (Taisho 10) as 2 years\u27 n...
Tsutsui proposed a hypothesis that Shuyoshugi was the ethos which sustained the development of capit...
Professor Michitaka Wakatsuki was a teacher of moral education at Kiryu Koto Senshoku Gakko which wa...
Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko was established at the beginning of Taisho era by the request of and at the e...
After the occurrence of the financial panic in Showa 2(1927), Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko faced the probl...
"Kyoiku-no-seiki-sha" (Educational Century Incorporated) was an organization which established in 19...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the changing situations of the graduates of Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gak...
The principal of Kiryu Koto Kogyo Gakko, Hirotaro Nishida visited Europe and America to investigate ...
From the middle of the Taisho period to the prewar days of the Showa period (from the 1920's to the ...
In the latter part of the Meiji era, Keihanshin (includes Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe) had the largest po...
Taiwan Kyokai (Association of Formosa) was founded in 1898. The purpose of the association was to gi...
The Dogaku Foundation, the joint study Foundation, which had run Chinese and Japanese Language Schoo...
After the Meiji era, in the educational circles in Japan, the fundamental method of education was si...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the movement of promotion of physical training and sport in Kiry...
This report clears the process of the formation of the subject ideology in home economics course of ...