No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, as part of The International Journal of Screendance, Volume 3 (2013), Parallel Press. It is made available here with the kind permission of Parallel Press
UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Nesta entrevista, a artista e cineasta norte-americana Na-talie Bookc...
Screened at 2010 Visions du Réel as part of a curated program of Tracy Emin’s 25 short film oeuvre. ...
I met Sandra Barrilaro in Santiago de Compostela, in a session where she spoke about her experience ...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
A modo de homenaje, éste es un texto subjetivo, expandido y fáctico acerca de la artista alemano-arg...
Los dispositivos que organizan una obra pueden analizarse desde las operaciones que la articulan y, ...
The mechanisms that structure any work can be analyzed on the basis of the operations employed in ...
Narcisa Hirsch es pionera en el cine experimental argentino, con una obra que se extiende desde los ...
In the current article we share a critical self-reflection of our contributions to the digital human...
Experiment in any art discipline attracts attention and is associated with the beginnings, immaturit...
En los primeros escritos y en los trabajos de videos experimentales la artista suiza Ursula Biemann3...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
Abstract: This interview brings the academic trajectory of the anthropologist Julia Yezbick that pro...
Ana Vaz, born in Brasília, Brazil, in 1986, is one of the most notorious Brazilian experimental film...
UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Nesta entrevista, a artista e cineasta norte-americana Na-talie Bookc...
Screened at 2010 Visions du Réel as part of a curated program of Tracy Emin’s 25 short film oeuvre. ...
I met Sandra Barrilaro in Santiago de Compostela, in a session where she spoke about her experience ...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
A modo de homenaje, éste es un texto subjetivo, expandido y fáctico acerca de la artista alemano-arg...
Los dispositivos que organizan una obra pueden analizarse desde las operaciones que la articulan y, ...
The mechanisms that structure any work can be analyzed on the basis of the operations employed in ...
Narcisa Hirsch es pionera en el cine experimental argentino, con una obra que se extiende desde los ...
In the current article we share a critical self-reflection of our contributions to the digital human...
Experiment in any art discipline attracts attention and is associated with the beginnings, immaturit...
En los primeros escritos y en los trabajos de videos experimentales la artista suiza Ursula Biemann3...
No abstract availableThis article was originally published by Parallel Press, an imprint of the Univ...
Abstract: This interview brings the academic trajectory of the anthropologist Julia Yezbick that pro...
Ana Vaz, born in Brasília, Brazil, in 1986, is one of the most notorious Brazilian experimental film...
UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020Nesta entrevista, a artista e cineasta norte-americana Na-talie Bookc...
Screened at 2010 Visions du Réel as part of a curated program of Tracy Emin’s 25 short film oeuvre. ...
I met Sandra Barrilaro in Santiago de Compostela, in a session where she spoke about her experience ...