International audienceSmall geometry effects have become increasingly important in analog circuits as transistors continue to shrink. As a result, transconductance-to-drain current (gm/ID) transistor parameters are no longer width-independent. In this brief, a procedure to develop “unit-sized” transistors with minimal sensitivity to small geometry effects is proposed. It is shown that by using the “unit-sized” transistors, the impact of small geometry effects on gm/ID dependent parameters such as current density and self gain can be reduced to 3.6 percent and 1.5 percent respectively
This paper discusses in detail the effects of device dimensions and layout/design rules on the analo...
In this paper, a methodology for analog design reuse is proposed. The basic idea is to keep the circ...
This paper discusses in detail the effect of small geometries on the performance of NMOS transistors...
International audienceSmall geometry effects have become increasingly important in analog circuits a...
The design of analog integrated circuits together with mixed-signal applications in deep sub-micron ...
IC designers appraise currently MOS transistor geometries and currents to compromise objectives like...
This paper presents an updated version of the gm/ID-based sizing methodology for advanced short-chan...
There have been proposed several sets of “rules ” for scaling, for the purpose of discovering as muc...
Scaling down of transistor dimension is generally being well accepted and adapted by digital designe...
The analog circuit sizing can be viewed as a constrained optimization problem. Evolutionary algorith...
The traditional iterative design flows for analog integrated circuit synthesis, which can help meet ...
This book introduces readers to a variety of tools for automatic analog integrated circuit (IC) sizi...
193 p.The focus of this dissertation is the investigation of MOS transistors with very small dimensi...
This paper discusses in detail the effects of device dimensions and layout/design rules on the analo...
CMOS Analog circuits require transistors with low output conductance (gds) in order to achieve high ...
This paper discusses in detail the effects of device dimensions and layout/design rules on the analo...
In this paper, a methodology for analog design reuse is proposed. The basic idea is to keep the circ...
This paper discusses in detail the effect of small geometries on the performance of NMOS transistors...
International audienceSmall geometry effects have become increasingly important in analog circuits a...
The design of analog integrated circuits together with mixed-signal applications in deep sub-micron ...
IC designers appraise currently MOS transistor geometries and currents to compromise objectives like...
This paper presents an updated version of the gm/ID-based sizing methodology for advanced short-chan...
There have been proposed several sets of “rules ” for scaling, for the purpose of discovering as muc...
Scaling down of transistor dimension is generally being well accepted and adapted by digital designe...
The analog circuit sizing can be viewed as a constrained optimization problem. Evolutionary algorith...
The traditional iterative design flows for analog integrated circuit synthesis, which can help meet ...
This book introduces readers to a variety of tools for automatic analog integrated circuit (IC) sizi...
193 p.The focus of this dissertation is the investigation of MOS transistors with very small dimensi...
This paper discusses in detail the effects of device dimensions and layout/design rules on the analo...
CMOS Analog circuits require transistors with low output conductance (gds) in order to achieve high ...
This paper discusses in detail the effects of device dimensions and layout/design rules on the analo...
In this paper, a methodology for analog design reuse is proposed. The basic idea is to keep the circ...
This paper discusses in detail the effect of small geometries on the performance of NMOS transistors...