Hui Jonathan, Genre boundaries in the Old Norse 'fornaldarsögur' and 'riddarasögur', (dir. J. Quinn, University of Cambridge) En cours depuis ?/In preparation since ? Aucun résumé retrouvé/No abstract available [Source :
McLeod Shane H., Migration and acculturation : the impact of the Norse on Eastern England, c. 865-90...
Robert Philippe de. Iain Ruairidh Mac Mhanainn Boid, Principales of Samaritan Halachah (Studies in J...
Dumézil Georges. Reidar Th. Christiansen. — Studies in Irish and Scandinavian Folktales.. In: Cahier...
Hitt Cory, Law and honour in medieval Iceland and France, (dir. J. Hudson, University of St Andrews)...
Bourns Tim, Between nature and culture: animals and humans in Old Norse literature, (dir. C. Larring...
Cribb Vicky, 'The expressible past': a study of discursive modes in Íslendinga saga, (dir. J. Quinn,...
Merkelbach Rebecca, Characters on the margin in Icelandic saga literature, (dir. J. Quinn, Universit...
Ramandi Maria Teresa, Latin and Norse in medieval Icelandic culture: a comparative analysis of some ...
Fishwick Stephanie Joanne, The representation of boundaries and borderlands in old English and old N...
Lejeune Michel. Henry Lewis and Holger Pedersen, A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar, 1937. In: Rev...
Peeters Christian. Valfells (Sigrid), Cathey (James E). Old Icelandic, An Introductory Course. In: R...
Interpreting Eddic Poetry Project Responsables du projet/Project leaders : Carolyne Larrington (caro...
Marti Suzanne, An Analysis of the Old Norse and Middle English Translations of Le Conte Du Graal, Th...
Rekdal Jan Erik. Mánus Ó Domhnaill’s Betha Colaim Chille : A hybrid genre ?. In: Etudes Celtiques, v...
Vendryes Joseph. Henry Lewis and Holger Pedersen. A concise comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen, V...
McLeod Shane H., Migration and acculturation : the impact of the Norse on Eastern England, c. 865-90...
Robert Philippe de. Iain Ruairidh Mac Mhanainn Boid, Principales of Samaritan Halachah (Studies in J...
Dumézil Georges. Reidar Th. Christiansen. — Studies in Irish and Scandinavian Folktales.. In: Cahier...
Hitt Cory, Law and honour in medieval Iceland and France, (dir. J. Hudson, University of St Andrews)...
Bourns Tim, Between nature and culture: animals and humans in Old Norse literature, (dir. C. Larring...
Cribb Vicky, 'The expressible past': a study of discursive modes in Íslendinga saga, (dir. J. Quinn,...
Merkelbach Rebecca, Characters on the margin in Icelandic saga literature, (dir. J. Quinn, Universit...
Ramandi Maria Teresa, Latin and Norse in medieval Icelandic culture: a comparative analysis of some ...
Fishwick Stephanie Joanne, The representation of boundaries and borderlands in old English and old N...
Lejeune Michel. Henry Lewis and Holger Pedersen, A Concise Comparative Celtic Grammar, 1937. In: Rev...
Peeters Christian. Valfells (Sigrid), Cathey (James E). Old Icelandic, An Introductory Course. In: R...
Interpreting Eddic Poetry Project Responsables du projet/Project leaders : Carolyne Larrington (caro...
Marti Suzanne, An Analysis of the Old Norse and Middle English Translations of Le Conte Du Graal, Th...
Rekdal Jan Erik. Mánus Ó Domhnaill’s Betha Colaim Chille : A hybrid genre ?. In: Etudes Celtiques, v...
Vendryes Joseph. Henry Lewis and Holger Pedersen. A concise comparative Celtic Grammar. Göttingen, V...
McLeod Shane H., Migration and acculturation : the impact of the Norse on Eastern England, c. 865-90...
Robert Philippe de. Iain Ruairidh Mac Mhanainn Boid, Principales of Samaritan Halachah (Studies in J...
Dumézil Georges. Reidar Th. Christiansen. — Studies in Irish and Scandinavian Folktales.. In: Cahier...