The quantum cascade laser provides one possible method of realizing high efficiency light emitters in indirect band gap materials such as silicon. Electroluminescence results from Si/SiGe quantum cascade emitters are presented demonstrating edge emission from heavy-hole to heavy-hole transitions and light-hole to heavy-hole transitions. In surface-normal emission, only light-hole to heavy-hole electroluminescence is observed as predicted by theory. Intersubband emission is demonstrated at 2.9 THz (103 μm wavelength), 8.9 THz (33.7 μm), and 16.2 THz (18.5 μm) from the Si/SiGe quantum cascade heterostructures
Employing, electronic transitions in the conduction band of semiconductor heterostructures paves a w...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...
The quantum cascade laser provides one possible method of realizing high efficiency light emitters i...
The quantum cascade laser provides one possible method of realizing high e=ciency light emission fro...
The quantum cascade laser provides one potential method for the efficient generation of light from i...
Terahertz electroluminescence due to light hole-heavy hole intersubband transitions in p-type Si/SiG...
Unipolar intersubband lasers like quantum cascade laser structures might be realized not only in III...
While electroluminescence has been demonstrated at terahertz frequencies from Si/SiGe quantum cascad...
Employing, electronic transitions in the conduction band of semiconductor heterostructures paves a w...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...
The quantum cascade laser provides one possible method of realizing high efficiency light emitters i...
The quantum cascade laser provides one possible method of realizing high e=ciency light emission fro...
The quantum cascade laser provides one potential method for the efficient generation of light from i...
Terahertz electroluminescence due to light hole-heavy hole intersubband transitions in p-type Si/SiG...
Unipolar intersubband lasers like quantum cascade laser structures might be realized not only in III...
While electroluminescence has been demonstrated at terahertz frequencies from Si/SiGe quantum cascad...
Employing, electronic transitions in the conduction band of semiconductor heterostructures paves a w...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...
We present THz quantum cascade emitters realized on a Si substrate. The emission centered at 3.4 and...