Després d’un conflicte, la pau i la justícia sovint es veuen com quelcom en tensió. Les demandes de justícia i de responsabilitat legal poden representar un obstacle per a la pau, ja que els acords de pau poden implicar compromisos amb criminals de guerra i violadors dels drets humans. Així doncs, el debat entre la pau i la justícia es reflecteix en una discussió conceptual que enfronta la resolució del conflicte amb la defensa dels drets humans. A Afganistan, la pau i el conflicte es veuen sovint com inherentment oposats i moltes vegades es diu que per a la justícia cal esperar que hi hagi seguretat. El govern de Karzai, en lloc de castigar els que havien comès crims de guerra, ha integrat els senyors de la guerra més destacats i els ha co...
In the interest of ending the 50 year-old internal armed conflict, the Colombian government and FARC...
concepts on two central issues: Inequalities and Peace, by indentifying different connections in bot...
�Wars and other conflicts are among the main sources of human misery.� Thus begins the Advanced Info...
This article aims to describe and explain the trade-off between justice and peace through the analys...
El siguiente artículo de reflexión busca ilustrar algunas de las dificultades que se han presentado ...
Comúnmente, se afirma que en los procesos de justicia transicional inmersos en un contexto de negoci...
This article explores the eventual possibility of anamnesty or acquittal for crimes against humanity...
À l’inverse de la perception dominante, les guerres civiles ne sont pas des situations de non-droit,...
This thesis analyzes the way peace and justice interact within the latest Colombian peace process be...
�Post-modern� peace, as a coetaneous of war and barbarian, becomes a �post-democratic� institution i...
The Afghan war (since 2001) may be seen as a new asymmetric conflict. It has all characteristics of ...
The “Justice and Peace Law”, recently passed by the Colombian Congress has been subject to keen deba...
A basic dilemma for political transitions and peace talks, whether to hold perpetrators of mass atro...
Cuando hace ya más de 17 años desde la caída del régimen talibán, el conflicto afgano dista mucho de...
Abstract:The present analysis is about the dilemma that Colombia faces when attempting to seek a sol...
In the interest of ending the 50 year-old internal armed conflict, the Colombian government and FARC...
concepts on two central issues: Inequalities and Peace, by indentifying different connections in bot...
�Wars and other conflicts are among the main sources of human misery.� Thus begins the Advanced Info...
This article aims to describe and explain the trade-off between justice and peace through the analys...
El siguiente artículo de reflexión busca ilustrar algunas de las dificultades que se han presentado ...
Comúnmente, se afirma que en los procesos de justicia transicional inmersos en un contexto de negoci...
This article explores the eventual possibility of anamnesty or acquittal for crimes against humanity...
À l’inverse de la perception dominante, les guerres civiles ne sont pas des situations de non-droit,...
This thesis analyzes the way peace and justice interact within the latest Colombian peace process be...
�Post-modern� peace, as a coetaneous of war and barbarian, becomes a �post-democratic� institution i...
The Afghan war (since 2001) may be seen as a new asymmetric conflict. It has all characteristics of ...
The “Justice and Peace Law”, recently passed by the Colombian Congress has been subject to keen deba...
A basic dilemma for political transitions and peace talks, whether to hold perpetrators of mass atro...
Cuando hace ya más de 17 años desde la caída del régimen talibán, el conflicto afgano dista mucho de...
Abstract:The present analysis is about the dilemma that Colombia faces when attempting to seek a sol...
In the interest of ending the 50 year-old internal armed conflict, the Colombian government and FARC...
concepts on two central issues: Inequalities and Peace, by indentifying different connections in bot...
�Wars and other conflicts are among the main sources of human misery.� Thus begins the Advanced Info...