So, the, my dad started getting into Dutch Oven cooking when he went to Woodbadge I think is when he started getting into it. And, um, so we were out East — and there weren’t as many people that did Dutch Oven cooking, my dad’s really into it now— he even, designed and had someone manufacture his own Dutch oven table. Anyway so as he started doing this —I’m not sure where he got the recipe, but he makes this, um, Coke ham. So you buy the cheap ham, um smoked ham? Is that right? Jenn: No. No, oh, you’re right, it’s just on the bone, there’s a name for it that we — oh, summer Ham, I think that’s what they called it — but that doesn’t exist out east, west I mean. Um anyway it’s just a ham on the bone an use a hacksaw to cut it down, uh so it’l...