Crystalline semiconductors are very well known, including silicon (the basis of the integrated circuits used in modern electronics), Ge (the material of the first transistor), GaAs and the other III-V compounds (the basis for many light emitters), and CdS (often used as a light sensor). In crystals, the atoms are arranged in near-perfect, regular arrays or lattices. Of course, the lattice must be consistent with the underlying chemical bonding properties of the atoms. For example, a silicon atom forms four covalent bonds to neighboring atoms arranged symmetrically about it. This “tetrahedral” configuration is perfectly maintained in the “diamond” lattice of crystal silicon
Crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films deposited on low-cost substrates sh...
VHF-PECVD was uséd to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon forapplications in thin-fil...
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and...
Crystalline semiconductors are very well known, including silicon (the basis of the integrated circu...
Crystalline silicon is probably the best studied material, widely used by the semiconductor industry...
Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material in solar panels, due to its relatively high e...
Silicon based photo voltaic panels are the mainstream of solar cells. However, there are intrinsic l...
The challenge of developing photovoltaic PV technology to a cost competitive alternative for estab...
Recent developments in the production and study of the properties of amorphous silicon containing hy...
Amorphous silicon solar cells have been extensively studied. However, it is found that the propertie...
The research efforts of physical scientists over twenty years have helped to secure a promising comm...
Amorphous Silicon/Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells deals with some typical properties of heterojuncti...
We review the progress made by amorphous silicon solar cells, including the emerging technology of s...
Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) has been extensively used as a solar cell material because of its low cos...
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and...
Crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films deposited on low-cost substrates sh...
VHF-PECVD was uséd to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon forapplications in thin-fil...
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and...
Crystalline semiconductors are very well known, including silicon (the basis of the integrated circu...
Crystalline silicon is probably the best studied material, widely used by the semiconductor industry...
Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material in solar panels, due to its relatively high e...
Silicon based photo voltaic panels are the mainstream of solar cells. However, there are intrinsic l...
The challenge of developing photovoltaic PV technology to a cost competitive alternative for estab...
Recent developments in the production and study of the properties of amorphous silicon containing hy...
Amorphous silicon solar cells have been extensively studied. However, it is found that the propertie...
The research efforts of physical scientists over twenty years have helped to secure a promising comm...
Amorphous Silicon/Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells deals with some typical properties of heterojuncti...
We review the progress made by amorphous silicon solar cells, including the emerging technology of s...
Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) has been extensively used as a solar cell material because of its low cos...
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and...
Crystallization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films deposited on low-cost substrates sh...
VHF-PECVD was uséd to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon forapplications in thin-fil...
Since its invention in the 1950s, semiconductor solar cell technology has evolved in great leaps and...