Silicon is the most widely used semiconductor material in solar panels, due to its relatively high efficiency to cost ratio. Of the many varieties of semiconductors, monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicon are two of the predominant solar cell structures. As light hits these semiconductor panels, electrons are excited from the valance band to the conduction band allowing current to flow through them. Adding impurities to a silicon semiconductor, a process known as doping, can create either a p-type semiconductor with excess holes (vacant spaces with +1e charge) or an n-type semiconductor with excess electrons. Combining p-type and n-type semiconductors forms a P-N junction which allows us to control and direct the flow of elections ...
An overview of currently used cell processes for monocrystalline silicon in industry is given. Since...
It is a challenge for academics and industrialists to develop solar cells with high energy conversio...
Fundamental limitations on the performance of Si solar cells are shown to be quite different from th...
Under the circumstances of the increasing depletion of fossil fuels, renewable energy, especially so...
We compare the recombination properties of three important types of multicrystalline silicon wafers ...
Increasing the efficiency and reducing the production costs are the two main goals of the optimizati...
The survey explores the potential for the creation of sun oriented cells from Kazakhstani p-type sem...
This thesis is concerned with the recombination mechanisms in polycrystalline silicon on glass solar...
VHF-PECVD was uséd to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon forapplications in thin-fil...
Multicrystalline p-type wafers from 100% UMG-Si feedstock were used for two cell processes. The best...
We compare the electrical properties of p-type and n-type industrially grown High Performance (HP) m...
The materials, structures, processing, modeling and measurements of high efficiency silicon solar ce...
VHF-PECVD was used to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon for applications in thin-fi...
The application of the novel solar energy is one of the possible solutions for satisfying human’s in...
ABSTRACT: The current reduced availability and the high cost of electronic grade silicon for solar c...
An overview of currently used cell processes for monocrystalline silicon in industry is given. Since...
It is a challenge for academics and industrialists to develop solar cells with high energy conversio...
Fundamental limitations on the performance of Si solar cells are shown to be quite different from th...
Under the circumstances of the increasing depletion of fossil fuels, renewable energy, especially so...
We compare the recombination properties of three important types of multicrystalline silicon wafers ...
Increasing the efficiency and reducing the production costs are the two main goals of the optimizati...
The survey explores the potential for the creation of sun oriented cells from Kazakhstani p-type sem...
This thesis is concerned with the recombination mechanisms in polycrystalline silicon on glass solar...
VHF-PECVD was uséd to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon forapplications in thin-fil...
Multicrystalline p-type wafers from 100% UMG-Si feedstock were used for two cell processes. The best...
We compare the electrical properties of p-type and n-type industrially grown High Performance (HP) m...
The materials, structures, processing, modeling and measurements of high efficiency silicon solar ce...
VHF-PECVD was used to prepare doped and undoped microcrystalline silicon for applications in thin-fi...
The application of the novel solar energy is one of the possible solutions for satisfying human’s in...
ABSTRACT: The current reduced availability and the high cost of electronic grade silicon for solar c...
An overview of currently used cell processes for monocrystalline silicon in industry is given. Since...
It is a challenge for academics and industrialists to develop solar cells with high energy conversio...
Fundamental limitations on the performance of Si solar cells are shown to be quite different from th...