Crawford identifies the moneyer of this type as likely to be the son of the moneyer Gaius Curiatius Trigeminus of RRC type 223 (in this collection, see specimen BAD0413). Sydenham includes this coin in Period IV series 18, dated between 133-126 B.C.E., at variance with Crawdford's earlier date, and moreover identifies the mint rather as "Italian Mint (B)", an "auxiliary mint, situated perhaps north of Rome" (47).TRIGC·CVR·F ROMAHelmeted head of Roma to right; behind, TRIG upwards; before, value mark (X); border of dotsuno in quadriga to right, wearing diadem and crowned by victory from behind, holding scepter in left hand and and reins in right hand; below, C·CVR·F (VR ligatured); in exergue, ROMA; line borde