A field experiment was carried out in 2006 to investigate the effects of deep rotary cultivation on sugarbeet growth. The background to the experiment was a 2005 study showing potentially higher yield, higher cleanness and higher sugar content when primary tillage was carried out to 35 cm depth with a rotary cultivator. On four field sites in Skåne (L:a Isie, Ädelholm, Stävie and Vragerup), five different treatments were compared: mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm; mouldboard ploughing in the autumn to 20 cm + rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the autumn to 35 cm; rotary cultivation in the spring to 35 cm; and mouldboard ploughing in the spring to 20 cm. The rotary cultivator used in the tre...