Among the semiconductor in latitude use in microelectronics for digital circuits silicon has been and remains the main material. However, today began intensively implemented circuits based on gallium arsenide. Gallium arsenide circuits of the high charge carrier mobility with a frequency range of operation of reach for chips based on silicon (Si). Keywords: super beta-transistor, heterostructure, gallium arsenide, silicon, reactors electron-cyclotron resonance.</p
Remarkable developments in bipolar technology over the past decade have seen the silicon germanium h...
The high room-temperature carrier mobilities which have recently been observed for both electrons an...
"A 2-D virtual wafer fabrication simulation suite has been employed for the technology CAD of SiGe ...
This paper analyzes performance of bipolar transistors based on AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures (HBT). ...
This chapter is from the book Properties of Gallium Arsenide (2nd Edition), which is comprised of 18...
The features of the formation of microwave GaAs structures are considered and a set of studies is ca...
The semiconductor industry is a fundamental building block of the new economy, there is no area of m...
Reducing the size of silicon devices is accompanied by an increase in the effective rate of electron...
The semiconductor industry is a fundamental building block of the new economy, there is no area of m...
The first book to deal with a broad spectrum of process and device design, and modelling issues rela...
Although silicon is by far the most widely utilized manufactured semiconductor material, it is very ...
SIGLEINIST T 71279 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
Modeling results of output static characteristics of gallium arsenide transistors for extreme high f...
This work analyses the features of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, highlighting semiconductor junction ...
A kinetic model of the epitaxial growth has been developed in the paper for the first time.Results o...
Remarkable developments in bipolar technology over the past decade have seen the silicon germanium h...
The high room-temperature carrier mobilities which have recently been observed for both electrons an...
"A 2-D virtual wafer fabrication simulation suite has been employed for the technology CAD of SiGe ...
This paper analyzes performance of bipolar transistors based on AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures (HBT). ...
This chapter is from the book Properties of Gallium Arsenide (2nd Edition), which is comprised of 18...
The features of the formation of microwave GaAs structures are considered and a set of studies is ca...
The semiconductor industry is a fundamental building block of the new economy, there is no area of m...
Reducing the size of silicon devices is accompanied by an increase in the effective rate of electron...
The semiconductor industry is a fundamental building block of the new economy, there is no area of m...
The first book to deal with a broad spectrum of process and device design, and modelling issues rela...
Although silicon is by far the most widely utilized manufactured semiconductor material, it is very ...
SIGLEINIST T 71279 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc
Modeling results of output static characteristics of gallium arsenide transistors for extreme high f...
This work analyses the features of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, highlighting semiconductor junction ...
A kinetic model of the epitaxial growth has been developed in the paper for the first time.Results o...
Remarkable developments in bipolar technology over the past decade have seen the silicon germanium h...
The high room-temperature carrier mobilities which have recently been observed for both electrons an...
"A 2-D virtual wafer fabrication simulation suite has been employed for the technology CAD of SiGe ...