This is a translation of an extract from Thanh-Van Tran-Nhut’s 2009 crime novel, L’Esprit de la renarde (Spirit of the Vixen, Paris: Picquier Poche), the fifth of eight in the Mandarin Tân series of investigations carried out in 17th-century Vietnam (then called Dai Viêt). An introductory note assists in setting the scene and briefly outlining some of the translation challenges for the text, notably the range of names used in the original. These vary from the relatively exotic (Madame Liu) to the partly French (Madame Prune) and the fully French (Contemplation Retenue). A partir de la traduction vers l’anglais d’un extrait du polar historique de Thanh-Van Tran-Nhut, L’Esprit de la renarde (2009), le cinquième dans la série des huit roma...