Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa teknikoan, ETEentzako zerbitzu teknologikoen prestakuntzan eta tokiko garapenean izandako hutsuneak azaldu ondoren, (LH) lanbide-heziketako ikastetxeek haien konponbidean bete lezaketen papera erakusten du artikulu honek. Horretarako, LHko ikastetxeek funtzio bakarrekoak izatetik funtzio anitzekoak izatera igaro behar dute. Ohikoak ez diren eginkizun berri horiek egin ahal izateak zer ikusia du LHko ikastetxe-motarekin eta LHko ikastetxeen barne eta kanpo-faktoreekin. Nafarroako kasuaren azterketak, aurrekoa argitzeaz gainera, erkidego horretan LHko ikastetxeen eredua eraldatu ahal izateko hainbat orientabide eskaintzen du.After exposing the shortcomings o...
A Smart Specialisation Strategy is essentially a way of thinking about local knowledge enhancement a...
Número da revista dedicado á Alfabetización en saúde na escola e na comunidade[Resumo] Hoxe en día f...
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers have usually had a characterized by complex and div...
Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa teknikoan, ETE...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the presence, nature and scope of vocational education and train...
The purpose of this discussion panel is to discuss the role of the vocational education and training...
We assess the situation of Vocational Education and Training in Galicia to face the challenge of imp...
Purpose: The aim of this document is to analyse the reach of the relation between vocational trainin...
Trends such as technological and digital change or globalisation are leading to an increasing dynami...
Matching vocational education and training (VET) competencies with actual labour market demands is a...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos profesinio rengimo reformos prielaidos įvairiose Europos šalyse, atskleidži...
The modernisation of vocational education and training system (VET) in Lithuania raises the problem ...
Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Sweden has evolved through cycles related to political vi...
Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) or apprenticeship schemes as a promising approach to ov...
During the last two decades the international socioeconomic circumstances have changed dramatically....
A Smart Specialisation Strategy is essentially a way of thinking about local knowledge enhancement a...
Número da revista dedicado á Alfabetización en saúde na escola e na comunidade[Resumo] Hoxe en día f...
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers have usually had a characterized by complex and div...
Berrikuntzako sistema erregionalek eta espezializazio estrategia adimentsuek heziketa teknikoan, ETE...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the presence, nature and scope of vocational education and train...
The purpose of this discussion panel is to discuss the role of the vocational education and training...
We assess the situation of Vocational Education and Training in Galicia to face the challenge of imp...
Purpose: The aim of this document is to analyse the reach of the relation between vocational trainin...
Trends such as technological and digital change or globalisation are leading to an increasing dynami...
Matching vocational education and training (VET) competencies with actual labour market demands is a...
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos profesinio rengimo reformos prielaidos įvairiose Europos šalyse, atskleidži...
The modernisation of vocational education and training system (VET) in Lithuania raises the problem ...
Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Sweden has evolved through cycles related to political vi...
Dual Vocational Education and Training (VET) or apprenticeship schemes as a promising approach to ov...
During the last two decades the international socioeconomic circumstances have changed dramatically....
A Smart Specialisation Strategy is essentially a way of thinking about local knowledge enhancement a...
Número da revista dedicado á Alfabetización en saúde na escola e na comunidade[Resumo] Hoxe en día f...
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Teachers have usually had a characterized by complex and div...