The absence of political tolerance and human rights in many postcolonial African states severely limit the establishment and independent functioning of civil society African states. In the post-Cold War era a new wave of democratisation has emerged in Africa opening up new opportunities for civil society participation at a national and regional level. Civil society organisations have emerged as influential advocates for the rule of law and inclusive accountable governance but are also vulnerable to abuse and political manipulation. The African Peer Review Mechanism aims to provide a vehicle for credible and independent civil society participation in monitoring the quality of political governance
This article draws from some theoretical and practical issues that emerge with connection to democra...
One of the approaches to democratization is the fostering of civil society organizations. In Africa,...
Abstract This article is focused on major issues surrounding the dynamic development of contemporary...
The absence of political tolerance and human rights in many postcolonial African states severely lim...
Broad trends are identified in discussion of the African Peer Review mechanism: weak states which ar...
This work examines the imperatives of civil society foundation for the emergence of democracy in Afr...
This rapid review synthesises findings from rigorous academic, practitioner, and policy references ...
Civil society is one of several Western political and social concepts that have not traveled success...
For decades, the state has been considered as the sole agent of development and governance. However,...
Over two decades have passed since the ‘third wave’ of democratization began to roll across sub-Saha...
M.A. (Public Management and Governance)This dissertation focused on the variables that influence civ...
Resumen: For the last eight years, Africa has been involved in what many observers believe is a ver...
External actors have long shaped the trajectory of democracy in Africa. During the Cold War, rival s...
If there is an event or a series of events that demonstrate the need to protect democracy and reclai...
External factors - the change in the international climate following the fall of the Berlin Wall i...
This article draws from some theoretical and practical issues that emerge with connection to democra...
One of the approaches to democratization is the fostering of civil society organizations. In Africa,...
Abstract This article is focused on major issues surrounding the dynamic development of contemporary...
The absence of political tolerance and human rights in many postcolonial African states severely lim...
Broad trends are identified in discussion of the African Peer Review mechanism: weak states which ar...
This work examines the imperatives of civil society foundation for the emergence of democracy in Afr...
This rapid review synthesises findings from rigorous academic, practitioner, and policy references ...
Civil society is one of several Western political and social concepts that have not traveled success...
For decades, the state has been considered as the sole agent of development and governance. However,...
Over two decades have passed since the ‘third wave’ of democratization began to roll across sub-Saha...
M.A. (Public Management and Governance)This dissertation focused on the variables that influence civ...
Resumen: For the last eight years, Africa has been involved in what many observers believe is a ver...
External actors have long shaped the trajectory of democracy in Africa. During the Cold War, rival s...
If there is an event or a series of events that demonstrate the need to protect democracy and reclai...
External factors - the change in the international climate following the fall of the Berlin Wall i...
This article draws from some theoretical and practical issues that emerge with connection to democra...
One of the approaches to democratization is the fostering of civil society organizations. In Africa,...
Abstract This article is focused on major issues surrounding the dynamic development of contemporary...