Untitled (West), 2018, shimmer curtain, lighting filter Golden Hour, 2006, audio, 57′ 24″ (looped) Songs I-VI, 2005-17, audio, various durations Vistas, 2005, single-channel video triptych, 5' The above works were exhibited at in the West Gallery of the Wolverhampton Art Gallery, UK, 10 Feb – 29 April 2018, as part of Diaspora Pavilion [strikethrough] It followed earlier stagings in 'Golden' and 'Golden (Lessons)' two solo exhibitions at Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester and Beaconsfield Contemporary Art, London, in 2006; at the !st Asia Biennial and 5th Guangzhou Triennial, 11 Dec 2015-10 April 2016; and Diaspora Pavilion at Palazzo Pisani Santa Marina, Venice, 13 May – 27 November 2017. Golden (2005-present) is an ongoing proje...